Verity Brodie Verity Brodie

Meet the Artist

I have been working hard on my “socials” for the last few months and I have gained quite a few new followers so, here is a bit about me, Verity Brodie, the artist behind Painting Tails…

I didn't start my journey as a pet portrait artist until later in life and, it is still not a full time career but, once I picked up a paintbrush in Covid times, I knew I had found my true calling and I am working tirelessly to make my dream come true.

Initially, I drew inspiration from the animals that filled my childhood and the love I share with my own pets, but then I did gifts for friends and family and things gained a momentum of their own, which led me to launch Painting Tails as a fully-fledged pet portrait business.

Using the versatile medium of watercolour, I bring my subjects to life on paper, paying close attention to every detail, from the texture of their fur to the sparkle in their eyes. Each painting is a labour of love, as I strive each and every time to create a piece of art that not only resembles the pet but also captures their spirit.  I am a complete perfectionist and I am not entirely sure I have ever been 100% happy with a commission but I was always told “you need to learn when to stop” and sometimes I have to force myself - if the client is over the moon, then I have to learn to be happy too.

Prior to launching Painting Tails I spent many happy years in the hospitality industry running cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels. I could tell many a funny story about staff mishaps and guest faux pas because, when you are in the hospitality industry you see it all, and I experienced everything from floods to theft and ran everything from raucous sporting events to beautiful weddings. I even served a few famous faces along the way and once cooked lunch for Lionel Blair but, what happens in hospitality, stays in hospitality…

I then stepped out to have my two beautiful children who are not so little these days, and that brings its own challenges but life is a roller-coaster of crazy, hectic fun and I would not have it any other way.

When I am not in my studio, or running around after my family, my pastimes include spending time with extended family and friends, reading, gym work or enjoying a good bottle of wine but, most of all, stomping through nature with my gorgeous Labrador, Watson (named by my son) enjoying the fresh air and our beautiful surroundings.  I start my days early in the fresh air and I cannot wait for spring to properly arrive to get back out over the fields! 

I may have started my pet portrait business later in life but the passion and dedication I deliver now is second to none.  My favourite part of every commission is the delivery - seeing a client’s face open their gift is the most joyous occasion, if not slightly nerve-racking at the same time!  The comments such as those below truly, truly make all the late nights worthwhile. 

I cannot thank Verity enough for the beautiful portrait of our beloved boy. It was better than we could ever have imagined.  Highly recommend Painting Tails if anyone is looking to get a portrait done” – Jenny White

 “Just wanted to say a massive thank you for bringing Toby and Casper back home to my Mother and Father’s. They were absolutely over the moon, a roller-coaster of emotions shall we say. Even down to the sympathy card which was a nice touch. Thank you for projecting your skill to everyone, you’ve brought so much joy to my parents” – Nick Stephens

So, if you are new to Painting Tails, welcome and, if you are a seasoned regular then I can’t thank you enough for being part of this journey.

With love, VB x

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Verity Brodie Verity Brodie

Reflections on a Pawsitively Amazing Year as a Pet Portrait Artist

Top five lessons learned in 2023

It's been a whirlwind of a year for me as a pet portrait artist, and I wanted to take a moment to share the incredible journey this year has proved to be and the invaluable lessons I've picked up along the way.

First and foremost, I've learned to trust the process. As I delve into the layers of a painting, there are moments when doubt and frustration creeps in. But, lo and behold, every stroke eventually comes together.  Am I happy with every piece?  No, but I am overly self-critical.  My clients are always over the moon so I take solace in that!

Lesson number two is the importance of documenting every stage (which I still fail at from time to time!). Not only does it serve as a personal progress tracker, but it's a treasure trove for clients who love a sneak peek behind the scenes. Plus, it provides a steady stream of content for those ever-important social media updates.

Lesson three: never underestimate the power of a fair price, and don't be afraid to raise it.  I began this journey offering affordable prices to compensate for my initial lack of an extensive portfolio. Fast forward to today, with a robust collection of work under my belt, it's time to acknowledge my worth.  Difficult when you are overly critical of your work!

Lesson four has been to acknowledge, with great pleasure, that this pet portrait passion of mine is no longer just a hobby. It's a full-fledged business, demanding organization and diligence. Thanks to a meticulously kept order book over the holiday season, I've grasped the importance of recording crucial client details from the get-go. It's proven to be a game-changer in managing orders efficiently.

Last but certainly not least, the lesson that struck closest to home is about reference photos. While I've flexed my artistic muscles with less-than-ideal images, I've learned that being firm about the quality of reference photos is essential for delivering top-notch portraits. Better reference photos (see my first blog for tips and tricks on good photography) translate to better paintings, ensuring my clients receive nothing but the best.

As I reflect on the past year, I'm filled with gratitude for the growth and opportunities that have come my way. And with these lessons in my artistic toolkit, I'm ready to paint an even brighter future for my pet portrait venture. Here's to more wagging tails and purring kitties on canvas!

Thanks for reading.

With love, VB

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Verity Brodie Verity Brodie

It’s been a while…

Hiding under the covers with the January Blues? Join the club, but it is almost over…

Navigating the January Blues: An Artist's Reflection

Can you believe January is already bidding us adieu? If the New Year, New You fervor has left you feeling a bit adrift, you're not alone. As a pet portrait artist, I've found myself caught in the lull after the holiday storm. The whirlwind of Christmas orders has settled, leaving me in a contemplative state, wondering if the flurry of orders was a fad and what, if anything, lies ahead.

It's easy to succumb to the January blues, blaming the weather or the lingering chill in the air, but let's shift our perspective. Instead of worrying about the future, or dwelling on what we haven't accomplished, let's celebrate the victories – no matter how small. Artists, did you try a new technique? Connect with a client who adored your work? Pet lovers, did you hunker down with your furry friend and make the most of a quiet month or did you jump into the gym with a New-Year, New-Me approach?

Amidst the post-Christmas quiet, I've found (tried to find!) solace in planning for the future. It's an opportunity to evaluate and refine my artistic vision. There's a certain excitement in having a blank canvas before you, metaphorical or not. It's a chance to explore new ideas, experiment with styles, and set ambitious goals. I have explored exhibition opportunities, written to a host of pet lovers to arrange collaborations and planned some online marketing to boot!

So, what is the key to conquering the post-holiday slump? Well, if you have any magic cures, let me know! For now I am trying to embrace the process. Trying to recognize that periods of rest are essential for growth. Trying to use this time to recharge, reassess, and reignite my passion.  

So, here's to turning the page on January and diving headfirst into the possibilities of February. And I shall try not to leave it so long before my next blog!

With love for now, VB

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Verity Brodie Verity Brodie

Diving into My First Exhibition

When I was tagged in a post for the Sandford Parks Lido Dog Swim event, I jumped in with both feet!

Hey there, fellow art enthusiasts and dog lovers! I can hardly believe it, but I'm about to embark on a journey that's a mix of excitement, nervousness, and pure doggy delight. As you may have already seen from my recent social media posts, I'm gearing up for my very first exhibition at the local Lido's dog swim event.

As the day of the exhibition draws nearer, my emotions are doing a rollercoaster dance. Excitement, because this is a dream come true for me. Nervousness, because putting my work out there for people to see in person is equal parts thrilling and intimidating. But mostly, I'm bursting with anticipation at the thought of meeting all the adorable doggies and their wonderful owners.

The preparation for this event has been nothing short of a labor of love. I realised all too late that my work is painting commissions so, I do not retain any paintings and therefore, yes you’ve clicked too, I have nothing to exhibit! Cue panic and endless hours at the desk surrounded by photographs of random dogs. I have three weeks to go and my “studio” is practically a pet portrait assembly line right now, and I honestly couldn't be happier.

My hopes and dreams for this exhibition are as boundless as a dog's enthusiasm for a game of fetch. I dream of having a lineup of commissions, where I get to immortalise more furry friends in my artwork. The thought of creating cherished keepsakes for fellow pet parents is what keeps me going.

And oh, meeting all those gorgeous doggies! It's like a canine parade of inspiration. I can't wait to see their wagging tails, floppy ears, and those irresistible puppy-dog eyes up close. Each dog has a unique personality and charm, and I'm eager to capture their essence on canvas.

So, if you find yourself at the local Lido's dog swim event, please stop by my exhibition booth to say hi, oh and enter my draw for a chance to win a free portrait! Share a chat about your four-legged friend, and let's celebrate the beauty of our furry companions together. Here's to a day filled with art, dogs, and dreams coming true – I can't wait to dive in! 🎨🐾

With love,


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Verity Brodie Verity Brodie

Capturing Furry Souls: Why Pet Portraits Might Make the Piggy Bank Squeak

Why do paintings cost so much? Well, when you break it down, its less than the minimum wage…

Hey everyone! If you're eyeballing my pet portraits and thinking, "Why is the price giving my wallet a workout?" I'm here to let you in on the inside scoop. Let's talk about why pet portraits might be a bit pricier than you'd expect.

Alright, confession time – creating pet portraits isn't just a paint-and-go gig. It's more like embarking on an emotional adventure that requires love, dedication, and a whole bunch of elbow grease. Every portrait you see carries a piece of my heart and a truckload of commitment.

I've spent years mastering the art of capturing those adorable furry faces. From understanding fur textures to nailing those expressive eyes, it's been a journey of trial, error, and many "aha" moments. What might look like a simple brushstroke is the result of hours dedicated to perfecting my craft.

Here's a secret – every pet portrait I create is like a slice of my artistic soul. It's not just about copying a photograph; it's about capturing the essence of your pet – their personality, their quirks, the little things that make them who they are.

And oh boy, the hours I pour into each portrait! From studying reference photos to layering colors and textures just right, it's a process that demands patience and passion. I lose track of time, absorbed in the world I'm bringing to life on the canvas.

Let's get real about the numbers – why does my pet portraiture come with a slightly fancier price tag? It's not just about the paints and canvases (though quality materials do make a difference). There's a whole backstage crew involved – marketing, promotions, and the time spent connecting with clients like you.

And remember, every portrait I create is as unique as a wagging tail. Your pet is one of a kind, and that exclusivity adds value. When you invest in my pet portraits, you're not just buying art; you're investing in a treasured memory.

So, the next time you're wondering about the cost, remember that my pet portraits are the result of a furry-infused artistic journey. Each brushstroke carries love, time, and the sheer joy of bringing your pet's spirit to life. It's not just about the portrait; it's about celebrating the bonds we share with our four-legged friends.

I hope that helps!

With love,


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Verity Brodie Verity Brodie

Pet Photography

My advice on how to capture the best photos of your purrfect pet to ensure you receive the best possible painting…

📸🐾 How to Capture Pawsome Pet Pics! 📸🐾

🌞 Let natural light illuminate your furry friend! Try and avoid using the flash, just find a bright spot indoors or head outdoors for soft, flattering light.

👀 Focus on those mesmerizing eyes to create depth and capture their soulful gaze. They say the eyes are the windows to the pet's personality!

🔍 Get down to their level for a paw-some perspective, it brings intimacy and shows the world from their point of view. Photos taken too high or too low can distort the angles and mean that your painting is not a true representation of your pet. Think about the head position that you would like me to copy.

😄 Unleash their true self! Catch their playful or curious moments that showcase their unique personality. Be patient and ready to click at the perfect moment.

🚫 Avoid busy backgrounds that distract from your pet's charm. Simple and clean backgrounds keep the spotlight on your furry star.

📷 Utilize burst mode to capture your pet's movement! They're always on the go, so multiple shots will help you freeze their energetic moments in time.

🚫 Avoid filters or “portrait” modes that distort your pets face or blur the detail - I need to see every hair, mole and whisker to create a painting that is a true representation of your gorgeous furry friend.

🐾 Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep clicking, experimenting, and cherishing the memories with your beloved pet. Share the love! ❤️

#PetPhotography #FurryFriendsForever

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